Manuscripts should be prepared for review following standard procedures for scientific publications.
Please use the style provided here in the file IJFV.cls.
A sample is provided also, to serve as a guide for using IJFV.cls.
Contributions should be submitted electronically to the editor in the following way:
- A first document containing your paper in an anonymous form, without the authors name and affiliation.
- A second document containing authors name and affiliation.
Please make sure to include a complete address for the corresponding author with telephone, fax numbers and e-mail addresses.
The authors are kindly requested to propose the name of 1 to 5 possible reviewers of their work.
About the reference section:
- The IJFV experts attach a particular importance to this section.
- The citations must be justified by the contents of the article.
- The abusive citations of the same author may induce a delay in the review process.